Diamond Facts
Generally, when we talk about Diamond, the first picture that comes in
front of us, is of a bright sparkling stone. But, not many of you might be
aware of following interesting diamond facts:
- Diamond was discovered approx. 3000 years ago in India along the banks of
rivers Krishna & Godavari. Till 18th century, India was the only
source from where diamond was exported world over.
- It takes around hundreds of million to couple of billion years (age of earth is 4.5
billion years) for a natural diamond to reach its final state.
While, it takes only a couple of weeks to create Synthetic Diamonds (man-made diamonds) in laboratory.
- There is a very common misconception that diamond is forever.
Actually, diamond being unstable form of Carbon, degrades to Graphite
(pencil lead) i.e. another form of carbon. Yes, you read it correctly.
But don't worry, suddenly one morning your diamond ring will not change
into a graphite ring :). This is because it takes few billion years for
diamond to change its form.
- When we say diamond is the hardest substance, it means that it can’t
be scratched by any material other than a diamond. It doesn't mean that
diamond can't be broken into pieces. Read more in Hardness of Diamond.
- Around 1000 Kg of earth is mined to extract 5 gram (or 25 carat)
diamonds. And out of total extracted diamond, only 20% is of gem quality
(i.e. used in jewelry) and remaining 80% is used for industrial
- Chances of extracting 1 carat diamond is 1 in 1,000,000 and of 2 carat diamond is 1 in 5,000,000.
- If all the diamonds ever polished since the beginning of time were to be gathered, they would fill only one double-decker bus.
- Diamond is mined in some 25 countries on every continent but Europe and Antarctica.
- Diamond Carat is the measuring unit for diamond weight (1 carat =
0.2 gram). Gold Karat is used to denote purity of gold, i.e. percentage
of pure gold in the piece of gold. As a benchmark, 100% pure gold is
termed as 24 Karat gold. Read more about Diamond Carat.
- There is a curse associated with the famous Koh-I-Noor
diamond which was discovered in 1306 in Andhra Pradesh. A Hindu text
states that "He who owns this diamond will own the world, but will also
know all its misfortunes. Only God, or a woman, can wear it with
impunity". Well, the saying goes well with Queen Victoria and successive
queens who have successfully enjoyed the beauty of this stone. On the
other hand, its men owners have always been the victims of misfortune.
- The Cullinan diamond was the largest rough diamond ever found and was 3,106 carats.
- It is a common assumption that all diamonds are white. This is not
the case. Impurities give the diamonds a blue, orange, red, yellow,
green or black shade. The rarest shade of diamonds would be the vivid
blue, pink or green diamond.
- Diamond color grades (D,E,F etc) are applicable only for White
Diamonds and NOT for Fancy Colored Diamonds. To know more about
difference between White Diamond and Fancy Colored Diamond.
- Diamond dusts are used in number of skin care products as exfoliates (used to remove dead cells from skin).

- During the 13th century, there was a law in France according to which only kings could wear diamonds.
- The first recorded diamond engagement ring was given to Mary of Burgundy from Archduke Maximillian of Austria in 1477.
- In the year, 1994, Pauline Willemse cut a diamond that was 50 times
smaller than the head of a ballpoint pen. This was the world’s smallest
- Diamond wasn't associated with love & romance until 1940's when De Beers started advertising diamond as a perfect jewel for engagement and wedding rings.
- Inheriting the belief from India mythology, Romans believed that
diamonds had the power to ward-off evil and wore them as talismans.
- Almost half of the diamonds available in market are in I clarity range (I1, I2 & I3) which is the poorest clarity grade.
- Flawless (FL) clarity grade diamonds are extremely rare and
expensive. So, you will hardly find these stones in jewelry stores.
These are usually collectors' items that never comes in market.
- Industrial Diamond have blemishes and inclusions
even more than I3 clarity grade (poorest clarity). These diamonds are
used in machinery, drilling tools (like Dentist Drill). These diamonds
are also used in cutting and polishing other diamonds into masterpieces.
- You would have heard jewelers using the term "Eye-Clean". This term
is used to describe diamonds with clarity SI2 or higher. It basically
means that diamond appears clean and flawless as viewed with naked eye.
- Until 1990, De Beers owned 90 percent of the diamond market. Even if
you never entered a De Beers shop, almost every diamond you purchased
pre-1990 put money in De Beers’ pockets.
- It is estimated that only 500 tons of diamonds have ever been mined in recorded history to date.
- Do you know why an engagement ring is worn on fourth finger (ring
finger)? Well, this custom was derived from the ancient Egyptians who
believed that the vein of love ran through the fourth finger and went
straight to the heart.
- The slogan "Diamond is Forever" voted as the best slogan of 20th
century, was created in 1947. It was used as marketing strategy for
- Blood Diamonds, also known as Conflict Diamonds, are used in the illegal trading of diamonds to finance conflict, civil wars and human rights abuses in Africa.
- The United States is the world's leading consumer of gem-quality
diamonds. In 2008 it consumed about $19 billion in unset gem-quality
stones. That was about 35% of the world's gem diamond production.
- There is only one diamond mine in the world where anyone can be a
miner. That mine is at Crater of Diamonds State Park in Arkansas. For a
few dollars you can mine for a day and keep anything you find. This is
the only mine in US which yields just a few hundred carats per year.
- Many of you would be surprised to know that according to 2009
Statistics of Kimberley Process, Russia is the world's leading diamond
producing country, followed by Canada, Botswana, Angola & South
Africa in the given order.
- Approximately $8.4 billion worth of diamonds a year come from African countries.
- An estimated 10 million people globally are directly or indirectly
supported by the diamond industry. Approx 1 million people are employed
by Indian diamond industry.
- Space diamonds are common. Scientists first twigged on the
possibility of space diamonds when meteorites that crashed into the
earth revealed tiny nanometer-sized diamonds. If these meteorites are
representative of the material in outer space, NASA scientists say that a
gram of dust and gas in a cosmic cloud could contain 10,000 trillion
nano diamonds. Unfortunately these diamonds are smaller than a grain of
sand – too small for a diamond engagement ring :).
- Shining an ultraviolet light on a real diamond will cause it to glow
for a while after the light is turned off. Shining the same light on
synthetic diamonds do not have the same effect, making spectroscopy a
non-invasive way to determine a diamond’s authenticity.
- Traditionally, engagement rings were the ones adorned with diamonds
while wedding rings were left simple and unadorned. But, in the past
couple of years there has been a growing plea for wedding rings set with
a crowd of diamonds and other precious gemstones.
- In Botswana, the revenues from the diamond industry enable every
child, to age 13, to receive a free education. This aid is necessary due
to insufficient tax revenue to provide free public education, the way
it is provided in the U.S.. After the age of 13, the government pays
approximately 95% of educational expenses.
- The largest diamond in the universe is an enormous chunk of
crystallized carbon, 4000 Km in diameter and 50 light years away from
earth in the constellation Centaurus. Reportedly, it weighs 10 billion
trillion trillion carats. According to scientists, this diamond is the
heart of an extinct star that used to shine like the Sun. Imagine the
number of engagement rings that could be made out of that rock!
- In the 1700’s two chemists, Lavoisier and Priestly, were able to
cause a diamond to burn by using a magnifying lens to focus sunlight on
the gem. Yes, diamond can be burnt to ash at a temperature of 760 degree
centigrade or higher.
- Do diamonds glow in the dark? Some do. The Red Cross Diamond is one
of those. It’s a 205.07-carat, cushion cut, canary yellow diamond from a
rough stone of 375 carats found in a Kimberly mine in 1901. The top
facet includes a Maltese cross. After exposure to light, the Red Cross
Diamond will emit the absorbed rays, effectively glowing in the dark.
- Gold in its purest form (24 Karat) is very soft. That is why diamond
is preferably NOT set in pure gold jewelry. Instead, diamond is set in
18 Karat and less pure gold to enhance the durability of jewelry.
- Currently, diamond certification methods are quite subjective and
every certification lab (GIA, IGI etc.) have their own benchmak. But
experts reckon that within next decade there will be machines available
to grade color, clarity and size. This will definitely eliminate
subjectivity in diamond grading and certification.
Truth is the Size is only one of the criteria by which a diamond can be
judged. A small, high-clarity, high-color diamond can cost more than a
large, low-clarity, low-color diamond.
- Rapaport is the largest manager of diamond data in the world. RapNet
– the Rapaport Diamond Trading Network has daily listings of over
700,000 diamonds valued at over $5 billion with over 5,900 members in 75
countries. The Rapaport Group maintains its own offices in New York,
Las Vegas, Antwerp, Ramat Gan, Mumbai, Surat, Hong Kong and Shanghai.
These offices provide timely information about market developments and
pricing trends.
- ABN AMRO is the leading bank in the world diamond industry,
accounting for approximately 25% of the total financing of the industry
- 76% of all new brides in the United States wear a diamond ring out of which 5% are inherited.
- 1 carat = 100 points, so a 75-point diamond would weigh 3/4 of one
carat. It’s not a diamond with 75 points on it, as some people think.
- The average diamond size purchased in the U.S. is 38 points (i.e. just over 1/3 of a carat).
- If the diamond is clean to naked eye, then it’s the cut of diamond
that imparts maximum sparkle and brilliance in diamond and not its high
clarity grade. Read more in Clarity Grade Selection.
- A brilliant round diamond hides color the best and is less likely to
reveal a lower color grade in its corners because it has no corners.
Lack of corners also makes it a more robust stone and less likely to
chip than the pointed tip of a pear or marquise diamond.
- Most people buy diamonds between SI1-VS1 clarity and from E-H in color. G color diamonds at VS2 level are the most popular.
- Diamonds without inclusions are extremely rare and very expensive.
De-Beers estimates that only one in seven million diamonds recovered
will produce a 1 carat D flawless polished stone. Most diamonds used in
jewelry fall into the VS (very slightly included) or SI (slightly
included) categories. To detect most inclusions you would need to
magnify the diamond.
- In the case of gemstones, some gemstones are heavier than others.
Rubies for instance, are denser than diamonds, so a 1 carat ruby will be
smaller than a 1 carat diamond.
- Diamonds are rarer and more expensive at higher carat weights, which
is why three 1/3 carat diamonds are collectively worth less than one 1
carat diamond. You can use this to your advantage and opt for a three
stone ring with smaller diamonds rather than a ring with a larger center
stone. Read Carat-Price Relationship of Diamond.
- As a rule of thumb, it takes a 3 carat rough to produce a good
quality 1 carat cut stone. Often, poorly proportioned diamonds are the
result of a diamond cutter trying to make a 1 carat stone from a 2 carat
- Irrespective of the brand name and source of origin like De Beers,
Argyle etc, it is important to note that diamond will always we
evaluated on the basis of 4 Cs.
- Later ads by De Beers told consumers to hold onto their family's
diamond jewelry and to cherish them as heirlooms. This strategy helped
in reducing no. of people selling their diamonds back to jewelers or to
other people which increased the demand for new diamonds. This helped De
Beers in gaining more control of diamond market.
- A bonded diamond is a natural diamond that is fully warranted by the jeweler and covers breakage, buy back, and exchange.
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