Pear Shaped Diamond - The Teardrop

Pear shaped diamond is also termed as "Teardrop" because of its shape. This shape is the blend of Round Brilliant and Marquise shapes with its one end pointed and other being round.

Pear Shaped Diamond

Technically, it can be called "Pear Shaped Modified Brilliant" as it is modified version of round brilliant cut. You may also like to read about Pear Shaped Engagement Rings.

Is Pear Diamond the Right Choice?

How to wear a pear shaped ring?

I’m often asked that what should be the direction of pointed end of the pear-shaped diamond while wearing the ring, i.e. whether pointed end should be towards finger nail or towards knuckles.

My answer is, there is no written rule. Wear it the way it suits your hand the most. However, it is generally believed that wearing the ring with pointed end towards the fingernail gives a slimmer look to finger. So, it’s your choice that whether you want a slim look or just love the ring any way you wear it.


Since Pear shape has variety of slim to wide cuts, you can choose according to your requirement. An elongated pear-shaped brilliant may appear too narrow and not suit in an engagement ring but it will look very delicate and pretty in dangling chandelier earrings. Pear shape is quite popular and widely used in necklaces and pendants.

Pear Shaped Diamonds Chandelier Earrings and Necklace


The price of pear diamond is less than round diamond. This is because there is less wastage of stone while cutting pear shape, leading to high recovery ratio. So, for the same price you can get a bigger pear shaped diamond as compared to round shaped.

Also, just like any other fancy shaped diamond (like - marquise, oval), pear shaped diamond appears bigger than a traditional round diamond with the same carat weight.

Facets Pattern

Usually, a pear shaped stone has 58 facets and in order to have beautiful sparkle, excellent or very good cut-symmetry is essential.

Pear Diamond Facets Pattern

Pear Diamond - Top and Bottom Facets' Pattern

As the final shape of diamond depends on actual shape of the rough, length-to-width ratio of pear shape can vary. The most classic and traditional length-to-width ratio of pear-shaped diamond is between 1.45 and 1.75.

Pear Shaped Diamond Length to Width Ratio

Pear Diamond - Length to Width Ratio

The pear-shapes gem is subject to following 2 cutting flaws:

  • Bow-Tie Effect
  • High or Uneven Shoulders

Bow-Tie Effect

Pear Shaped Diamond Bow-Tie Effect

Pear Diamond - Bow-Tie Effect

Like most fancy-shaped diamonds, pear-shaped diamond also suffers from Bow-Tie Effect. When the diamond is not cut properly then a bow tie shaped shadow (dark area) appears on diamond. This dark area is visible even while moving the diamond. Bow-tie Effect is also visible in marquise, rectangular radiant and fancy oval shaped diamonds.

Depending on the severity of this flaw, overall brilliance and clarity of diamond is adversely affected. You can easily see this phenomenon through unaided eye. Bow Tie effect can quite drastically decrease the beauty and value of diamond. So, I will suggest you to avoid diamond with severe bow tie effect.

High or Uneven Shoulders

The rounded part should not appear narrow or flat but it should have gentle arc with even shoulders. Uneven shoulders result when cutters try to retain maximum carat weight during diamond cutting process, and square-off or give rounded triangle end to pear-shaped diamond.

Pear Shaped Diamond Uneven Shoulder

Pear Diamond - Uneven Shoulder

This phenomenon of uneven shoulder is also termed as "High Shoulder" by jewelers and diamond experts.

This flaw also reduces the beauty and value of diamond and I will suggest you better avoid pear-shaped diamond with uneven shoulders. Though this flaw is visible to naked eye, but diamond certificate may not provide information on this drawback while purchasing online. So, I will advise you to do online purchase only through a reputed store.

Settings for Pear Cut Diamond

From settings perspective, pear shaped stone is not as versatile as round shaped diamond. Pointed end part is sharp and delicate, so it needs to be handled with utmost care or else there could be damage to diamond.

Pear shape requires unique 6 prongs setting. 5 prongs hold the curved part while the 6th prong protects the delicate pointed end.

Pear Shaped Diamond Prong Setting

Pear Diamond - 6 Prong Setting

A large pear diamond set with two smaller pear diamonds in horizontal position next to the larger stone is very popular. Due to its unbalanced shape, pear stone is generally not set with big accent stones.

Celebrities' Choice

Pear shape has been quite popular among the celebrities. Celebrities (like - Katherine Heigl have been sporting pear shaped engagement rings) are attracted to blend of traditional appeal of round and delicacy of marquise shape.

Pear Shaped Engagement Ring Katherine Heigl

Famous Pear Shaped Diamonds

Pear shape has been diamond cutter’s favorite shape since long time. Some of the world’s most famous and largest diamonds have been cut into pear shape. Like the famous De Beers Millennium Star and the much publicized Taylor Burton Diamond gifted to Elizabeth Taylor by Richard Burton.

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