Round Shaped Diamond - The most classic diamond shape

Normally, when we think of diamond, the first image that comes in our mind is round shaped diamond. Approximately 75% of the diamonds sold today are round in shape.

Modern round brilliant shape was designed and developed by Belgian diamond cutter Marcel Tolkowsky in 1919. This shape had more brilliance and fire than the diamond shapes prevalent in those days.

Cuts of Round Shaped Diamond

Following are the most common types of cuts are incorporated on round diamonds:

  • Single Cut: This cut has 18 facets and is generally used for very small diamonds of size below 1 or 2 points. The advantage of single cut stone is that, due to its fewer but larger facets, it sparkle more than a full cut (58 facets) diamond of same size.

Round Shaped Diamond Single Cut

Single Cut

  • Swiss Cut: Swiss cut has 34 facets so it lies between Single cut and Round Brilliant cut.
Round Shaped Diamond Swiss Cut

Swiss Cut

  • European Old Cut: European Old Cut can very well be called as Father of Modern Round Brilliant cut (58 facets) with open culet and higher crown. In European Cut, no fixed proportions were followed and many experiments were done on it which ultimately gave birth to Modern Round Brilliant Cut and the Ideal Cut diamond proportions.
Round Shaped Diamond European Old Cut

European Old Cut

  • Rose Cut: There are various styles of Rose Cut and number of facets is different in each style. Nowadays, mesmerizing brilliance of Round Brilliant Cut has replaced the old world charm and beauty of Rose Cut. However, these days with the trend of designer jewelry, jewelry designers like me are reviving the beauty of rose cut jewelry.
  • Modern Round Brilliant Cut: Modern Round Brilliant Cut which is the most common diamond cut has 58 facets in total. You can read more about it in Facets of Round Brilliant Cut. This is most popular among all the round varieties these days. Over the period of time, its facets arrangements and cut proportions have evolved and famous cutters have given cutting variations in modern round brilliant cut. You can read more about it in Types of Round Brilliant Cut.
Round Shaped Diamond - Modern Round Brilliant Cut

Modern Round Brilliant Cut

Is the Round Shape Diamond My Choice?

Well, the round shaped diamond should be your choice if you don’t want to experiment and would like something classic. Also, round diamond has the best refraction (the extent to which incident ray of light bends after entering the stone) and dispersion (splitting of white light into different light components - VIBGYOR) of light, giving it a beautiful sparkle. So, if it’s Bling-Bling that attracts you then round diamond should be your choice.

Round shaped diamond is so popular that any shape other than round is considered fancy. Round stone represents blend of tradition and classical beauty. If you are proposing with round diamond engagement ring to your beloved, it shows your taste towards classy and traditional things. Round diamonds look beautiful in diamond stud earrings also. Just have a look at the earrings below and you will agree that I’m not wrong! These earrings from Amazon oozes with style and grace and will enhance your beauty if you adorn them.

Round Shaped Diamond Stud Earrings

Round Diamond Stud Earrings (Courtesy

Round stones are very versatile. These can be easily set in prong setting, bezel setting, pave setting and channel setting.

Round diamond looks beautiful with or without accent diamond, but looks really mesmerizing when set as center stone with small diamonds set around it.

My pick: If you want designer engagement ring then try round shaped diamond as center stone accented with two rubies.

If you want to design your own engagement ring with special meaning to it: go for three stone jewelry. Three round diamonds set horizontally represent the past, present and future of your relationship. It is the ideal way to say "I’ve always loved you", "I love you now", and "I’ll love you forever". Here, three stone diamond and peridot ring set in channel setting from Amazon looks beautiful and symbolic.

Round Shaped Diamond Gemstone Rings


So, bottom line is: round shape is not boring. Just experiment with your ideas and make exciting jewelries with round shape.

Celebrities' Choice

Round shaped diamonds are quite popular among celebrities as well. As you can see Rachel Bilson and Scarlett Johansson in their round shaped diamond engagement rings.

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