Step Cut and Mixed Cut Diamonds

On this page you will get to know about Step Cut and Mixed Cut diamonds and how these are different from brilliant cut diamonds.

Step Cut

Step cut diamonds have either square or rectangular shape and are also termed as Table diamond.

Step Cut Diamond Sketch
Step Cut as viewed from top

Step cut diamond is characterized by:

  • Concentric rows of trapezoidal facets running parallel to the girdle. Due to this, facets of diamond resemble steps of staircase, therefore giving this cut its name.
  • Bottom of diamond is not pointed and does not have culet. Instead it has "Keel" running through pavilion.
  • Crown and pavilion of step cut are shallow as compared to round brilliant cut. Due to this, luster and sparkle of stone reduces, but this makes the stone more elegant and enhances its clarity.

My suggestion: While choosing Step Cut diamond, lot of emphasis should be given on clarity of stone, as even a slightest of imperfection and inclusion is not allowed in this cut. This is because imperfections are easily visible in Step Cut diamond.

Types of Step Cuts

The different types of step cuts are as follows:

  • Emerald Cut
  • Baguette Cut
  • Trillion Cut

Emerald Cut

This cut is derived after rounding off step cut diamond. Since, sharp and square corners lead to fracture and cleavage, so corners of emerald cut stone are truncated, giving it octagonal shape.

Emerald Cut
Emerald Cut - Viewed from Top and Bottom

Since, the bottom of emerald cut stone is shallow, sparkle in this cut is less as compared to round brilliant cut. However, as the emerald cut facets are broad it enhances the clarity and color of diamond.

Therefore, only stones with high clarity (i.e. with very few or no inclusions) should be given emerald cut, as this cut further enhances the clarity of diamond. On the other hand, even a small inclusion is visible if stone undergoes emerald cut. So, low clarity stones are not given emerald cut.

Emerald Cut Diamond
Emerald Cut Diamond

It’s best suitable as center stone for engagement and wedding rings.

Baguette Cut

"Baguette" is a French word meaning long narrow loaf of bread. It has slender rectangular shape with sharp and pointed corners. This cut was very popular in Art Deco and Art Nouveau period.

Baguette Cut Diamond
Baguette Cut Diamond

The baguette has two variations :

  • Trapeze or Tapered Baguette
  • Straight Baguette
Tappered Baguette Cut Straight Baguette Cut
Tappered Baguette Cut - Viewed from Top and Bottom Straight Baguette Cut - Viewed from Top and Bottom

Like emerald cut, baguettes also don’t have much sparkle, but its beauty can be associated with elegance and extraordinary clarity.

Baguettes are popular in rings, bracelets, pendants and necklace where these can be set in line to have continuous flow of diamonds.

Baguette Cut Diamond Bracelet
Baguette Cut Diamond Bracelet

Generally, channel setting is preferred for baguettes as its corners are very fragile and can be easily damaged. However, at times prong setting is also used.

Trillion Cut

A Trillion cut diamond has triangular shape.

Trilion Cut Diamond
Trilion Cut Diamond

This cut has two variations:

  • Curved Cut: It is preferred in solitaire (bigger trillion) and used as centre stone in rings.
  • Un-curved Cut: It is preferred in smaller diamonds and used as side stones in jewelry.

Mixed Cut

As compared to other cutting forms, Mixed Cut is comparatively new cutting form developed around 1960.

This cut has got its name because it is characterized by optical brilliance of modified brilliant cut and weight retention characteristic of step cut. It adopts the cutting pattern of crown from modified brilliant cut and pavilion from step cut.

Over the period of time various cuts have come up under mixed cut category. Among those, Princess Cut has gained the maximum popularity.

Princess Cut Princess Cut Diamond
Princess Cut Princess Cut Diamond

Princess Cut diamond has more fire and brilliance as compared to other mixed cut stones. The main reason behind Princess cut gaining such popularity is its weight retention characteristic. This cut is very popular as center stone in rings and earrings.

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